boys state presidnet

Colten Quebedeaux of Hot Springs from Lake Hamilton High School was elected as the Governor at Arkansas Boys State 2024, a summer leadership and civic engagement experience sponsored by the American Legion.

Quebedeaux was one of 14 students elected by his peers to state office on Thursday, May 30, as part of the 83rd annual session of Arkansas Boys State, where students build a mock government, including the state constitutional offices: governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, attorney general, auditor, land commissioner, treasurer, and chief justice and associate justices of the Arkansas Supreme Court.

The 14 students elected to state office, including Quebedeaux, won their party primary races for state office before advancing to the general election where they defeated their opposing party's opponent. More than 150 students ran for state office at Arkansas Boys State 2024.

"Being elected to state office at Arkansas Boys State is the highest honor our students could achieve," said Lloyd Jackson, executive director of Arkansas Boys State. "This election speaks volumes about his character and excellence of Colten and his desire to serve his community."

On Friday morning, Quebedeaux will travel to the capitol in Little Rock where he will take office, meet with constituents, and learn more about their respective roles alongside their elected counterparts.

"There are simply no words to describe the honor that Colten has earned," said Jackson. "This is what it's all about. From all of us - leadership, staff, and alumni - we share the most heartfelt congratulations to Colten, his school, his community, and his family."

Quebedeaux is one of more than 540 students from throughout the state attending Arkansas Boys State at the University of Central Arkansas in Conway. Students are mock citizens in eight different counties and congressional districts, sixteen cities, and two political parties.

Arkansas Boys State is an immersive program in civics education designed for high school juniors. Since 1940, the week-long summer program has transformed the next generation of leaders throughout the state and beyond. These men have become state, national, and international leaders, including Pres. Bill Clinton, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, former White House Chiefs of Staff Mack McLarty and Jack Watson Jr., Sen. Tom Cotton, Sen. John Boozman and Arkansas Chief Justice John Dan Kemp.

During their week at Arkansas Boys State, delegates are assigned a political party, city, and county. Throughout the week, delegates, from the ground up, administer this mock government as if it were real: they run for office, draft and pass legislation, solve municipal challenges, and engage constituents. By the week's end, the delegates have experienced civic responsibility and engagement firsthand while making life-long memories and friends - all with our guiding principle that "Democracy Depends on Me."

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