Dear LHHS parents,
As the seasons start to change, so does the pace of school. In the month of October, all Sophomores will take the Fall Interim ATLAS tests in English, Geometry and Biology. Any Junior who signed up for the PSAT will test to determine if he/she can continue to be a National Merit Finalist. Last, Seniors will start ACT Workkeys testing. ACT Workkeys is a national assessment that leads to a lifelong National Career Readiness Certificate. The three exams (Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents) measure and certify essential workplace skills needed for success in jobs across industries and occupations. Garland County is in the process of being a ACT Work Ready Community and this test will go a long way to help your student gain entry-level employment. Please make sure your child is present and does the best of his/her ability to showcase their talents.
With the increase in the pace of school there are memories being made. If you or your student would like to purchase a yearbook the link to do so is here. Yearbooks will be delivered before school is out. Senior parents, if you are interested in purchasing a Senior Yearbook Ad, the link for that is here.
Parent-Teacher conferences will be held on October 15th and 17th in the LHHS Cafeteria. For these conferences we ask that you limit your conference to 5-7 minutes especially if that teacher has a line of parents waiting. We encourage you to schedule a conference with that teacher during his/her conference period if you feel you need more information. In addition to the conferences, on the evening of October 15th, the school will be hosting a special event called "My Future Night”. During this event, colleges, trade schools, training programs, and military branches will have booths set up for students to explore various career possibilities. It will be a great opportunity for students to start thinking about their future paths. Additionally, students who have their own businesses will have the chance to showcase their entrepreneurial efforts and share their experiences with the school community. We encourage all students and parents to attend.
Beginning with the class of 2025, Lake Hamilton High School has introduced new requirements for students to be considered for Honors Graduate. To qualify, students must meet at least three of the following criteria on top of the grade point and course requirement:
earn at least one Community Service Learning Credit
obtain a Platinum, Gold, or Silver WorkKeys Certificate
meet ACT Readiness Benchmarks in English (18), Math (22), Reading (22), and Science (23)
complete a CTE Program of Study
have 5% or fewer unexcused absences during their senior year.
These requirements aim to recognize students who demonstrate academic achievement, career readiness, and community involvement.
This month’s LHHS Feature Teacher is Mr. Stacey Bean. Here are the reasons students think he should be the Feature Teacher and a little information about Mr. Bean.
I hope the school year has gotten off to a good start for your student. Please reach out if I can help in any way.
Clint Jones
LHHS Principal